====== Frequently Asked Questions ====== You have questions. We have answers. ===== Overview ===== {{:faq:the_dj.png?nolink&400|}} ---- ==== Can or should I contact Josh? Can you help me? ==== You're free to contact Josh, though **__it is highly advised that you shouldn't contact Josh.__** If you do choose to contact Josh, please keep in mind who you're associating yourself with. Josh is surrounded by people who enjoy making the lives of others miserable for their entertainment. They may, at their discretion, choose to target you. They will likely do so because you provide them the same reactions that Josh does....or because your intentions are to exploit Josh for attention or monetary gain. Yes, despite being antagonistic towards Josh, his community is very protective of him and do not wish to see him exploited by people who stumble across his channel. A handful of people have attempted this over the years, and it has resulted in their private failures made public. \\ A number of people have attempted to insert themselves into Josh's life for the sole purpose of exploiting or making his life worse. If you want to be remembered in a similar light to [[characters:the_trolls#castellus_the_fat_fuck_from_kentucky_zemi|Castellus Zemi]], [[characters:nakedandlaughing|Jessica "NakedAndLaughing" Boyle]], and various other negative elements of the Cobraverse, feel free. **__Whatever happens to you is a result of //your// actions.__** ==== Can I contact Josh for an interview? ==== **No, you shouldn't.** There is no good reason why Josh should be interviewed on your podcast or your YouTube channel.\\ You will not be gaining fans, you'll gain the attention of trolls which mostly inhabit his "fanbase," you will uncover the ire and scorn of his entire fanbase for very transparently attempting to use Josh as a springboard for your internet success and tapping the glass. Aside from that, Josh is a day drinker who doesn't understand the concept of a schedule. The likelihood that you could wrangle him into showing up on time and being cognitively functional is very, very unlikely. More so, if your intention is to uncover new information you'll be similarly disappointed, as that's extremely unlikely to occur even if he's sober, which is also extremely unlikely. What you are engaging in is a massive headache with no payoff. I promise you, this is a bad idea and you should avoid doing it. ==== Can I contact Josh to do a documentary? ==== **No, you shouldn't.** Here's why.\\ Josh was, at one point, an interesting young man. He had aspirations beyond his means, goals that he incrementally moved towards in his own strange ways. Every year presented a new saga and a new chapter in his life, fraught with strange characters and even stranger twists. He placed some measure of effort into the things he did, be it his beloved bicycle, his dummy Shon or his music career. He was more confidence yet more aware of his faults, not afraid to admit he had them. Josh was an interesting guy by all accounts and the Trappped documentary showcases this perfectly. **Josh isn't that person anymore.** Josh is now a balding 30-something who has neither the confidence nor the passion to pursue anything, much less a woman. His life is at a virtual standstill, Josh applies no effort to finding a job or pursuing any form of education, he spends his days eating copious amounts of fast food and drinking himself to death at all hours of the day. His passions lay dormant in his trailer, gathering dust from a bygone era. //His source of money, wand making, literally grows on trees and he still can't be bothered to put in the effort.// Josh wants to literally do nothing all day. Please, save yourself the plane tickets to Casper and the time editing. Josh is boring. ==== Why are you making fun of an autistic guy? ==== **We aren't.** While the observations of Cobraverse denizens may be scathing at times, our primary role is to document Josh's life with as much detail and as objectively as humanly possible. ==== Why don't you try helping him instead? ==== **Many, many people have attempted to help Josh over the years.** They have tried to help him with his alcoholism, his lack of substantial employment, his sending of unsolicited nude pictures, his hygiene, his mental degeneration, his wildly unhealthy eating habits, his developing COPD and eventual cancer diagnosis, the list can go on and on. You may at some point feel a pang of sympathy despite Josh's many vulgarities and attempt to help him yourself. Like many before you, //you will fail.// Assuming you very ignorantly ignored our first post on "Why you shouldn't contact Josh" and you've near impossibly managed to weather that storm, you'll come to find out that to Josh.....you are not special. You are not the one who can help him. Josh is borderline incapable of accepting any criticism however it's framed, he is utterly unwilling to do anything that may inconvenience him, even slightly. If you can ever manage to offer something beneficial to Josh, he will get bored with it or ruin it immediately, later discarding you for the disposable resource that you are. He will not be grateful for what you've done, he will never thank you earnestly, you will never be his friend. **Josh doesn't need or want your help.** Should he ever decide he wants help (Which will never happen until it's too late) he requires help from very serious health care professionals and educated doctors, not from you. ==== Is the Boglimpedia ever hyperbolic when it comes to Josh? ==== **With Josh, there's little need to be hyperbolic.** He does and says ridiculous things, we don't need to exaggerate that. ==== Is there any places that people can talk about Josh? ==== **There are places, but they are often inhabited by people who only wish harm to Josh.** Outside of Josh's thread on KiwiFarms, the number of communities built around talking about Josh have dwindled in recent years. Due to the lack of neutral moderation, many devolved into hate-filled circlejerks consisting of people worse than Josh planning various ways to get him in trouble or killed. There was even a period where members of the KingCobraJFS subreddit attempted to DoorDash him so much vodka that he died of acute alcohol poisoning.\\ Boglimpedia is only interested in documenting the activities of Joshua Saunders in an allegedly easy-to-read, up-to-date wiki-space. If you wish to contribute to the documentation and archival of this bizarre gothic rockstar cowboy musician badboy, you will be welcome here as well. ==== Can I give suggestions on how to troll Josh? ==== **No.** Josh has been on YouTube for close to __fifteen years__ and for every year, he has been trolled. Whatever plan you have to troll Josh, he's already seen it and it's not going to work. Your plan isn't fresh or new, Josh has suffered it before or is so wary of trolling efforts that he'll see it coming a mile away, if his white knights haven't already. Keeping in mind how futile the effort is, the only person who can truly and effectively troll Josh is Josh. Josh is, unfortunately for him, his own worst enemy and will routinely ruin his own plans and the plans of others, suffering almost no consequences. You can't beat Josh at his own game, so don't try. Just let him exist and do the work for you. Take a tip from Josh himself: Sit and patiently wait. ==== Can I send Josh things? ==== **Sure!** However, keep these things in mind: Be creative. Josh has been on YouTube for a long time. Put time and thought into what you're sending him. * Josh will not appreciate what you give him, regardless of cost or his personal taste. He is notoriously ungrateful and unappreciative of everyone in his life. * There is no guarantee that he will open it on camera. * There is no guarantee that he will read whatever note you've written for him. * Josh will "customize" whatever you've given him, which often includes spray painting it and ruining it. * If you send him a sex doll, he may very well destroy it after using it. He has done so before. * If you send him a hat, his hat size is 9+. Josh has an abnormally sized head. * Keep in mind; He opens packages before doing an unboxing video. If you send him obvious troll packages and they aren't creative, he will throw them out and they will not be seen on video. **Josh's PO Box is 50564 Casper Wyoming, 82605, US of A.** ==== Why is Josh called The BOY/a boglim/etc? ==== **Results of troll interactions.** the nickname Boy/BOY comes from a stream where Josh went live after seething that someone had the audacity to text him "You'd better not go live, BOY!" \\ The phrase "Boglim" comes from a feud between once-friend-now-nemesis [[characters:CoolTaste]]. During one of the feuds, CoolTaste attempted to type "Cobra is a goblin" in a comment. However, as CoolTaste's vision is basically on par with a mole's, this would be misspelled as "Cobra is a boglim". And thus, the meme was born. ==== Why did Josh do [insert action here]? ==== When in doubt, apply Boglim's Razor, Occam's Razor's redneck cousin: **The most retarded answer is the correct one.** Josh does stupid things because he's stupid. It's not that deep. ===== Psychology ===== ---- ==== Is he seeing a psychiatrist or therapist? ==== **No.** At one point in his teens, Josh saw a councilor and was medicated. Josh has, for the last 8 years, self medicated with marijuana, spice, computer duster, and copious amounts of drinking. \\ After his bout of public intoxication, Cobes was required to see a shrink. He went to the shrink two to three times before he bailed and returned to his drinking. ==== Is he really autistic? ==== **Yes.** Through dialogues with his father, Josh is confirmed to have Asperger's Syndrome, which exists under the umbrella of autism spectrum disorders according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM-5). It is also believed that Josh has Oppositional Defiance Disorder(ODD), which would certainly explain his notorious inability to listen to any form of advice or authority, no matter how much that person is attempting to help Josh. Think of Josh like the impotent CEO of a major Japanese company: The only way you'll ever convince him of an idea is if you make it appeal to him personally, or make it sound like he came up with the idea himself. ==== Is Josh intellectually disabled? ==== **Undetermined.** While Josh suffers from Asperger's and his antics may elude to intellectual disability, he is more classified as "socially underdeveloped." Asperger's is not a intellectual disability, so much as it's a developmental disorder. Due to Josh's lack of general accountability for anything he does and his Asperger's, at many moments he has the sensibility of a teenager. He's cognizant enough to recognize what he's doing to himself and completely able to understand that he's at fault internally. He will even admit as such initially or when he's intoxicated. Publicly however, he will go to any lengths to blame anyone and anything that isn't him in any scenario, regardless of how ridiculous the excuse may be. Beyond that, Josh views the world through the lies he's created to justify it. Josh also has Bipolar I Disorder. During his childhood, he maintained a proper schedule of medication and he attended counseling regularly. He was, as his father said, doing quite fine until the age of 18-21, where he dropped all of his medication and therapy in favor of self-medication with substance abuse. It's clear Josh has had a cognitive decline, what's not clear is if this is the cause for it. Josh has subjected himself to years and years of substance abuse, fumes, a sedentary lifestyle and a lack of education. ==== Is Josh schizophrenic? ==== **We don't know, but probably not.** Asperger's Syndrome and Schizophrenia are both disorders of neurodevelopmental origin with prominent genetic factors. In fact, they are often misdiagnosed as the other due to their overlapping symptoms. It's likely that Josh has Asperger's Syndrome and due to his reluctance to seek proper treatment it has steadily become much worse. Josh has self-medicated with marijuana and marijuana substitutes for over a decade, he has slowly become a worse alcoholic, and he has spent significant amounts of time around spray paint fumes without any sort of respiratory protection. This combination has likely rapidly accelerated his already deep decline cognitively. ===== Sex ===== ---- ==== What's Josh's type? ==== Just watch the damn video, you weirdo. {{ :faq:king_cobra.mp4 |}} ==== Is Josh an Incel? ==== **Formally, no.** Josh doesn't claim to be an incel and doesn't entirely meet the criteria. He's more akin to a **Nice Guy™,** someone who will ingratiate themselves among women by pandering to them with female-specific issues. This is done explicitly for the purposes of becoming "friends" with women and ultimately having sex with them. This is more academically known as The Sneaky Fucker Theory, a term coined by evolutionary biologist John Maynard Smith to describe subordinate males who take advantage of the opportunity to mate with females while dominant males are otherwise occupied, leading to their reproductive success. ==== Is Josh asexual? ==== **On occasion, Josh will claim to be asexual.** These spells usually last a few months before he goes back to publicly lusting after women again. ==== Is he a pedophile? ==== **No,** but people imply otherwise to troll him and have trolled him with alleged under-age female accounts. Due to an event earlier in his life involving a young female lying about her age and Josh subsequently and quickly ending that brief relationship, Josh is now very explicit about not accidentally dating or sexually conversing with minors. It's entirely the reason why he always specifies adult woman as "of-age women." In particular, trolls like to reference the 2020 movie "Cuties" to Josh, insinuating that he's secretly a fan. This started because of the (rightfully placed) disgust that Josh expressed towards the movie. There have been no instances where he insinuated in any way that he liked the movie. ==== Has Josh had sex? ==== **Surprisingly, yes. Several times, in fact.** His exact body count is estimated at a minimum of 6 - Stephanie, Kayla, Judy, Ami, Summer, and Jessica. We are very aware of this fact because Josh makes it public knowledge every time he has sex, mostly to own the trolls. ===== Other Questions ===== ---- ==== Is Josh's father a bad dad? ==== **Clint's trying his best with an ungrateful manchild.** There really isn't a simple answer to this question, despite what many people in the Cobraverse will tell you. Clint has shown time and again that he's willing to learn more about his son's shortcomings and generally help him move forwards in life, despite Josh's best efforts to be as lazy as possible. From a factual standpoint, Clint has won a custody battle for a young Josh from his allegedly abusive ex-wife, quit his job to study his son's mental illnesses, saved him from a homeless shelter after Job Corps kicked him out, helped him move multiple times, keeps tabs on his son's activity, replaced his BC Rich Warlock guitar when Josh smashed it in a violent rage, helped him make wands on his lathe, helped budget his funds during questionable purchase decisions(like pressuring him into not buying a SIX HUNDRED DOLLAR RAILROAD BELL), bought him his trailer, and generally been a silent partner in many of Josh's larger undertakings. If that makes Clint a bad dad, then we don't know what makes a good one. ==== Why doesn't Clint put Josh in a group home for people with Asperger's? ==== **Clint cannot legally put Josh in a group home without his consent, and Josh will never want to be in one.** additionally, the last thing Josh needs is more authority figures telling him what to do. Josh is proven to be at least mildly self-sufficient - in the same way a non-lethal poisonous mushroom could be considered "mildly edible" - and it's very likely this would destroy any and all rapport Clint has worked to build up with Josh in the last 15 years. \\ More importantly, there's no way the amount of masturbation, drugs, and rock n' roll that Josh does would ever fly in a group home. He would be more likely kicked out for blasting Ozzy Osbourne at 3 in the morning for a week straight and drunkenly howling at inanimate objects before 6 months had passed. ==== Why does Josh keep breaking his phone? ==== **Boglim's Razor.** ==== Is Puffers dead? ==== **Very.** Josh confirmed it in late summer of 2024 after holding out hope for over a year. ==== How about Homeboy Scotty? Is he actually dead? ==== **He's still alive as far as we know.** Homeboy Scotty's Death is a running gag in the Cobraverse after Josh uploaded a video in memorial of Elvis Presley's guitarist, Scotty Moore. Fans willfully misconstrued it as a sign of Homeboy Scotty's death. ==== Where is [insert Homeboy or Homegirl here]? ==== **Homeboys are transient in the Cobraverse.** Unbelievably, not everyone directly connected to Josh is an unemployed bum(Just most of them). Many of Josh's Homeboys have lives, families, or prison sentences to serve. Josh also has a nasty habit of making enemies of his Homeboys - In fact, every named person in Josh's Villains and Foes tab was once a Homeboy.\\ The only Homeboy it's guaranteed we're never going to see again is Homeboy Alex Anderson, who passed away. ==== Why do so many of Josh's former friends hate him? ==== **Quite a lot of Josh's friends are drug addicts with bad personality traits.** Josh has had to personally throw out a few, or otherwise started talking trash about them after an on-stream or off-stream fight. ==== Does Tactical Soap actually work? ==== **In attracting hot, gothic, of-age, alive women? No.** In replacement of showers? Probably not. Does it even make you smell good? Nobody knows. ===== The Boglimpedia ===== ---- ==== I want to contribute my vast, oceanic knowledge of this stinky boglim from Wyoming to this wiki. Is that allowed? ==== **Absolutely.** The Boglimpedia's goal is to create an archive of all of KingCobraJFS' antics, and any contribution is welcome. ==== I would like to contribute, but my knowledge of Josh is limited. Where do I learn more? ==== **Unfortunately, your sources are limited.** With the advent of [[sagas:The Rebirth Saga]], much of the original content of KingCobraJFS' two channels was lost, akin to that of the burning of the library of Alexandria. Some sources have been able to capture Josh's streams and uploaded videos, such as: * [[https://www.youtube.com/@KingCobraJFS|Josh's very own channel]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/@AnonymousCasperWY|AnonymousCasperWY]](Source for Facebook streams and various videos) * [[https://www.youtube.com/@KingCobraArchive|kingcobrajfsarchive]](Source for uploaded videos before 2017) * [[https://www.youtube.com/@BitesizeCobraVids|Bitesize Cobra Vids]](Source for long documentaries regarding Josh's life) * [[https://www.youtube.com/@RealBoglimChronicles|Boglim Chronicles]](Reupload for videos with the dead air cut out) ===== The most important question of them all ===== ---- ==== Why did KFC take away the Double Down? ==== **We may never know, 'toobz. We may never know.**