====== The Gothic Dee Feud ====== **The Gothic Dee Feud** is an extended incident in Boglim History where Josh would come into contact with another goth, [[characters:Gothic Dee]]. As is customary in gothic cultures, goths will often infight, attempting to display dominance by naming other goths "fake goth" or "poseurs". This would come to pass as an extended showcase of just how dangerous the Cobraverse's fans are to people who get pulled into the mire. ^ The Gothic Dee Feud | | {{:incidents:how_it_started.png?400|}} | | **Event style:** Uploaded videos, streams, responce(sic) videos, etc | | **Location:** [[places:Conquistador Apartments]], Wales | | **Important characters:** [[characters:KingCobraJFS]], [[characters:Gothic Dee]] | | **Summary:** Retarded fake goth calls another retarded fake goth a poseur | | **Event Genre:** Comedy, drama | | **Results:** Dee gets bullied off social media | | **Saga:** [[sagas:The Wandmaker Saga]] | ===== Timeline of Events ===== ==== The initial shoutout ==== The first and greatest mistake that Dee made was in doing a shoutout to KingCobraJFS during one of her livestreams on June 28, 2018. This would immediately attract the attention of Josh, as Dee ticked every box josh looks for in a woman: Biologically Female, of age, not related to him, not a trole, and most importantly, //Goth.// Dee would not realize until too late that this had been a request by a livestream viewer hoping to start something between the two, as both were Goths in small towns in the middle of nowhere, both with Asperger's. Josh would respond by dolling himself up in an attempt to be more presentable, shouting out her smaller channel in the process, calling her a "cute goth chick that vlogs". ==== The Cobraverse claims their pound of flesh ==== Dee would be rocked with attention on an unprecedented scale in early July of 2018. Not long after this and the plethora of Trole comments, Dee would immediately get elbow-deep in the blood, responding to comments baiting her by saying Josh was now her boyfriend. This would to perhaps the most vile of accusations to possibly throw at another Goth, a proverbial challenge to a duel - Gothic Dee would call Josh a fake goth. Dee would make a video titled "KingcobraJFS leave me alone" on the 16th of July 2018, believing the lies of the Troles calling them a couple. Dee would further intensify matters by saying she wasn't even interested in Josh at all, even with his black lipstick and three-day-old eyeliner. The final blow would come in the form of Dee calling Josh a **Poseur**, a term used for people who follow a particular musical movement only for the status, not out of a love for the music. ==== The King's Wrath ==== Josh would respond by going live the same day, responding to the claims Gothic Dee made. Not to be taken lightly, Josh would chastise her for not doing her research, and her lack of gratitude to being shouted out by a larger channel, and insulted that Dee thought so little of him and his fans. Josh would unsubscribe from her channel, raging at her immaturity and the Troles, and reiterating that he had no intent to get with her. Josh would refuse to apologize for his haters being sic'd onto her channel, and saying that it was not his fault. Knowing that these comments were getting under Dee's pale skin, the trolling would only ramp up in intensity. Dee's trolls would try to get into her Instagram account, stealing photos of her, and messaging her model account. Even Josh's first ex-girlfriend [[characters:Stephanie]] would attempt to give Dee advice on weathering the storm, to no avail. ==== Dee Clears Things Up ==== Dee would make a new video attempting to clear things up between her and Josh, even going so far as to reach out via Facebook to Josh(Although he would not respond, probably assuming she was a troll). Dee attempted to reconcile, attempting to recover some lost dignity from feeding the trolls. Calling the lot of them "fucking weirdo(es)". Attempting to settle things between her and Josh, Dee would apologize for her actions, but in her hubris she would make another distinct mistake: She would not back down from calling Josh a fake goth. Making a second video, Dee would make an additional video responding to Troles and Cobes once more, taking time to respond to a troll comment, even thought Dee had previously said she was done with the drama(Sharing another thing in common with Josh). Spending an inordinate amount of time responding to the trolls, Dee would say that she couldn't bully a disabled person because she too was disabled. ==== Troled again ==== July 19th would refire the feud between Josh and Dee when a troll edited Dee's response video to get a rise out of Josh, which he would watch on a Facebook livestream. It was a total success, and Josh would go from calm to livid in seconds, seemingly forgetting that it was made by a troll in literal seconds. Josh would immediately fire back in outrage, questioning why Dee was the complete authority on gothic culture, and how she managed to have a job with numerous lip piercings. Josh would continue to criticize Dee's arrogance, even though he himself said he was done with all of the drama. Josh would continue his fury in an uploaded video called "Gothic dee you dont even know me" where Josh and homeboy [[characters:Alex Anderson]] would spend several minutes saying the exact same things they had said previously on the livestream. Many of the same responses would be stated in this video, criticizing her judgment of his interpretation of the gothic lifestyle, calling Dee "mall-core". Josh would personally give the green light to his fans to harass and cyber-stalk Dee if the feud continued, because once again, Josh was **__SICK OF IT!__** Undeterred, the Troles would inform Josh that Dee was once again making criticisms of Josh on her Instagram, which would infuriate Cobes even more. Josh would officially sic his fans on Dee, disappointed that it had come to this. We would also, rather regrettably, be given the crippling information that Josh was into goth girls farting. The Cobraverse would never be the same. ==== Raven counter-offensive ==== Gothic Dee's friend and fellow Goth YouTuber, Raven, would be talking behind the scenes at this stage, and Raven would finally be fed up with Josh's comments. Taking to YouTube herself, Raven would make a video calling out Josh for believing The Troles over Dee's videos, and saying that Josh was enabling his fans to make tensions worse, and personally attacking Josh's antics. Trolls would respond to the video, and Raven would make the poor decision to respond in kind, which made matters worse. ==== The end of Dee's YouTube channel ==== Dee would upload a video after Raven's video on the 21st, documenting the unreal level of hate she had received over the whole feud, from YouTube comments to Facebook posts to even emails. With this, she would delete her channel, and leave social media entirely in an attempt to maintain her sanity. Dee would make sporadic appearances on social media, usually deleting her account shortly after. Josh would discover that Dee deleted her account, and Josh would remain non-committal on the whole affair. He said he understood, but ultimately didn't care. ===== Aftermath ===== While The Gothic Dee Feud is at best a footnote in greater Boglim History, the incident serves as a harrowing warning to any and all individuals who think to interact with KingCobraJFS in any way, ranging from neutral to negative: Mess with the cobra, and you'll get the fangs. Woe to any individual who dares come to close to this gothic kiss of death. Gothic Dee's would be uploaded to an archive, much to Dee's dismay - Dee would accuse the owner of the channel of being a pervert and a creep, and that the content was illegal(it was not). The channel still stands. {{page>:blurbs#Incident Highlights}}