====== The Dead Dog Chair ====== **The Dead Dog Chair(And various other chairs)** is a recurring object in the Cobraverse. Every king requires his throne, and the King Cobra is no different. While Josh has sat in numerous chairs over his lifespan, the most well-known are the Floral Throne and the Dead Dog Chair. ===== Major Chairs ===== These chairs are associated with highlights or other well-known parts of the KingCobraJFS story, and are instantly recognizable to fans of the era. These chairs are oft associated with the best moments in Josh's YouTube career. ^ The Dead Dog Chair | | {{ :objects:dead_dog.png?400 |}}//The Dead Dog Chair before and after Josh. Note the discoloration// | | **First Seen:** November 24, 2020 | | **Description:** The chair Josh's dogs used to sleep in | | **Lifespan:** Still alive | | **Status:** Extremely greasy, but still kicking(unlike Josh's dogs) | | **Sagas:** The entirety of the Conquistador Age, [[sagas:The Trailer Saga]] | **The Dead Dog Chair** is the current and most prolific chair in the Cobraverse. Formerly a chair sat in by his father's dogs, Josh claims that he can feel the residual psychic energy of his departed pets when he sits in it. It has developed a healthy preservative crust of booze, Boglim fluids, and various gothic food substances to ensure its longevity, although the back cushion is now starting to show signs of wear as of September 2024. In October 2024, the Dead Dog Chair would receive several much-needed patches to the arms and back cushion by way of a supportive fan. ^ The Floral Throne | | {{ :objects:the_floral_throne.png?400 |}} //A young Josh Saunders in his throne// | | **First Seen:** Summer of 2016 | | **Description:** A chair likely found in a Goodwill dumpster with a faded floral pattern | | **Lifespan:** Summer 2016 - April 2017 | | **Status:** Torn to shreds, hole punched through | | **Sagas:** [[sagas:The Stephanie Saga]], [[sagas:The Low Volume Saga]], [[sagas:The Bailey and Izzy Saga]], [[sagas:The Post-Wendy's Saga]], [[sagas:The Rebirth Saga]] | **The Floral Throne** is a chair permanently entwined with the early ethos of KingCobraJFS - Many important and infamous events transpired when Josh was in this faded, flower-themed seat. The throne is an established chair in the early Cobraverse, surviving nearly an entire year of abuse by Josh and various Homeboys. Eventually, disaster would strike, and Josh would punch a hole in the top cushion, rendering it unusable. Josh would spend the next week sitting on his guitar case while searching for a chair fit for his regal countenance. ===== Minor Chairs ===== These thrones are of less significance than the others, but are still of importance to the Josh Saunders experience. ^ The Black Executive | | {{ :objects:businessman_black.png?400 |}} | | **First Seen:** | | **Description:** A buttoned black office chair, often associated with banks | | **Lifespan:** April 2017-October 28, 2018 | | **Status:** destroyed by Josh | | **Sagas:** [[sagas:The Rebirth Saga]], [[sagas:The Summer Saga]], [[sagas:The wandmaker saga]] | Despite its mainstay in Boglim History, **The Black Executive** is an oft-forgotten chair in Boglim History. Replacing the Floral Throne after a few weeks of sitting on his guitar case, Josh would often be seen in this during the middling period of The South Center Age. Some time around 2018, the seat of the chair can be seen to be worn particularly thin, perhaps due to Josh's permanent swamp ass finding a way to melt leather. In later October of 2018, the Executive would sustain more damage - the spine of the chair bent back to an unnatural 45 degrees, and the armrests missing. Eventually, Josh would replace it with The Spraypaint Provocateur in late October of 2018. ^ The Spraypaint Provocateur | | {{:objects:spraypaint_provocateur.png?400|}} | | **First Seen:** October 29, 2018 | | **Description:** A generic office chair spraypainted Cobra Green | | **Lifespan:** October 2018 - January 2020 | | **Status:** Replaced | | **Sagas:** [[sagas:The wandmaker saga]], [[sagas:The Ellen Saga]] | Josh would order **The Spraypaint Provocateur** to replace his completely destroyed Black Executive in October 2018, and it would be delivered to his house live on stream, where he would assemble it over the span of over two hours while fucking it up numerous times, and then haphazardly paint the cushions and armrests his trademark dark-ish green color. The chair would be replaced for the vastly more comfortable Brown La-Z-Boy in early 2020. ^ The Brown La-Z-Boy | | {{ :objects:the_lay-z-boy.png?400 |}} | | **First Seen:** February 2020 | | **Description:** A padded grandma's chair | | **Lifespan:** February-November 2020 | | **Status:** Vanished during the first eviction, presumably acquired by a homeboy | | **Sagas:** [[sagas:The Ellen Saga]], [[sagas:the Eviction saga]] | **The Brown La-Z-Boy** is the second and more well-known chair of The South Center Age, being a vast, brown, and well-stuffed arm chair. This seat is particularly embedded into Cobraverse lore, being present for [[incidents:The Budweiser Challenge]] and his eventual eviction amongst others. It is unknown what happened to it after the eviction, only that it was replaced by the Dead Dog Chair. ^ The Black Recliner | | {{ :objects:black_lay-z-boy.png?400 |}} | | **First Seen:** Unknown | | **Description:** A more padded and sophisticated office chair, armrests slightly worn down | | **Lifespan:** Unknown | | **Status:** unknown | | **Sagas:** [[sagas:The Wandmaker Saga]] | **The Black Recliner** is a curious transitional throne for Josh, being present during May of 2018 in the background. This chair served as an interim throne for times when Josh didn't feel like sitting in the Black Executive, and would sporadically appear during the summer of 2018.