Table of Contents

List of Cobraisms

The boy doesn't rest. His giant gourd is capable of spewing absurd amounts crap, ranging from mispronounced words to completely jumbled sayings that end up making no sense, making it impossible to keep up with new Cobraisms for anyone but the most dedicated followers.

While there are some staples that the boy enjoys saying over and over, any time he opens his carp lips, there is a chance something new comes out, because he is listening, he listens to many other videos, and likes to repeat what other people say - like a toddler, if you will. And unfortunately for him, like a toddler, he doesn't really understand most of the stuff he repeats, which is very fortunate for us, because it blesses us with so many hilarious moments.

King Jorp SlipOfTheTongue III., addressing his subjects


Josh has a handful of phrases that he will continuously use that have become ingrained in Cobraverse culture.

The phrase The meaning
“That's what's up” Often abbreviated to “TWU”. In regards to something cool/good happening. The opposite can be also true by saying “That's most definitely not what's up,” abbreviated as “TMDNWU.”
“That's most definitely what's up” abbreviated to “TMDWU”. See above.
“I ride bike, weather permittable.” Josh occasionally rides his bike when the weather permits it.
“I'M SICK OF IT!” Self-explanatory. Heard after/during major tantrums, like getting swatted.
“'Toobz” YouTube.
“But I digress…” Our King gets off topic sometimes.
“Not a sponsor” Said after saying something good about any product.
“Between the lips, to the liver and to our hips.” Presages drinking something alcoholic.
“Trust and believe!” Do not question me, said the pathological liar.
“Happy Easternoth” Equinox. Said in celebration of Christmas, although Equinox is not in December.

Legendary pearls of wisdom

Sayings that need no explanation, because there is no explanation that could possibly make them seem normal.

Mangled phrases and sayings

Common and rare ones, all mixed together. Boy hears something, and like a parrot, often doesn't understand the meaning behind the words, but unlike parrot, is unable to memorize the precise saying, so ends up completely butchering the meaning.

What Josh said What he possibly meant Source
Like stank on rice. Actual origin seems to be from Space Jam, when Wayne Knight's character joins the game Video: Over Trimming (April 16th, 2018.)
No skin off my shoes. Original phrase has many different variations, the point always refers to some part of the body, like nose, back, etc. Video: Facebook Live: (February 19th, 2018.)
Catch all 22. There is no better way to appreciate Joseph Heller's book than to mix the name with the infamous Pokemon's “Gonna catch them all!” slogan. Video: Cashapp and Paypal Shoutouts (November 1st, 2022.)
It's all up to the subject of a beholder, of course. In the eye of the beholder. Video: To be added.
And to add credit to the insults to injury. To add insult to injury. Video:Rant July 22nd, 2024.)

Simple mispronunciations

Just like Josh enjoys customizing his food, his brain enjoys modifying the words the boy is trying to say.

What Josh meant What Josh said
Sexual Entendre. Seckshul Ontondro.
conundrum conundruff
bigotry Bigotism
Chernobyl Churn O'Boil.
Monitization. Moniterization.
Weimaraner Dog. Winer Miner Dog.
Phonetically. Phonicsly.
Brawn. Bronze.
Olaf (The character from Frozen.) Olo.
Uptight. Uptense.
Capitalism. Capitalization.
Saudi Arabian Saudi and Arabian
Taliban Talbanian
Hindsight High-sigh
Civil Liberty Cibel Liverty
Generic. Genetic.
Transit. Tranzoot.
Trichotillomania Trickateria
Sex Offender Registry Sex Offendry
Redrum. Red Wine.
Centimeters. Cillimeters.
Waft. Waffle.
Delayed. Delayment.
Rue. Rule.
Pompadour. Pomahdor.
Indepth. Indeaf.
Attracting. Attracking.
Pastor. Pasture.
Exquisite. Exsquisid.
Cerebral Palsy. Celebral/Skelblal Pelosi.
Interpretation. Internprentation.
Burglary. Burgalee.
Inadvertently. Ittenverenly.
Compensating. Confensating.
Declaration of Independence. Decordation of Independence.
Eternally grateful. Internally grateful.
Frustrated Fustated
Human Anatomy. Human Analogy.
Social Construct. Social Conflict.
Fur Elise. Fer Aleesay.
Arkansas. Arkah-sass.
Roster. Rowstah.
Lafeytte. Lahfetay.
Report. Reporch.
Abbreviation. Abbrevanation.
Subject. Subjugation.
Doppelganger. Duh-blanger.
Tapatío (taa·puh·tee·ow). Tapahteal (tuh-pa-tee-al).
Tuberculosis. Ta-berkley-osis.
Bump Fire Stock Bumfire Stock
library liebary
with bated breath with faded breath
straight from the horse’s mouth straight from the source’s mouth
crass crasst
indoctrinated indocturned
eternally grateful internally grateful
wafting (through the air) waffling
sentiment sentative
…a good stretch of time “In jail for a good, stenchy length of time”
Harem Harlem
Tugs at the heartstrings Tug at the soul string
Dokken (the band) Dunkin'

Brands/Famous names

What Josh meant What Josh said
Cordial Cherries Cardinal Cherries
Parmesan Prawmashawn/Prawmajawn
Val Kilmer Val Kilmore
Tommy Lahren Tommy Lorraine
Joseph Goebbels Joseph Go-Bells
Zakk Wylde Zack Wade
Joy Division Joy Davidson
Bill Burr Bill Barr
Billie Eilish Billie Uh-leye-shuh
Monterey Jack Monetary Jack
Marconi Giardiniera Mockaroni Durinera/Guyrah Dennera
Morton Salt Morrison Salt
Sargento cheese Sarenghetto cheese
Bacardi Limon Bacardi Lemore
Kim Jon-Un Kid John Un
Blue Apron Bkue Apparin
Tomi Lahren Tommy Lorraine
monetization monitorization
Nestlé (candy company) “nestle” (as in to settle or lie comfortably within or against something)
Unintentionally Un-initially