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2024/06/08 00:52 · kiwi

Minor Homeboys and Homegirls

Homeboys and Homegirls come in many shapes, sizes and significance to the Cobraverse. Detailed below are a number of individuals who came into contact with Josh. For the sake of brevity, this list is limited to on-screen characters and individuals with great significance to Boglim History.

Josh Moore

The brother to Couch Chris, Brother Josh was one of the many freeloaders that Couch Chris would invite over to Josh's apartment during The Couch Chris Saga. Brother Josh's most defining moment was being present for Fun Fight and generally heckling Josh in his videos.


Judy was a single mother of three who would date Josh for a few weeks during The Low Volume Saga. Judy's stint in the Cobraverse was brief, as Josh showed little interest in raising someone else's kids, and still being cognitive enough to recognize that he couldn't sustain a family of three kids on a part-time Wendy's paycheck.

Despite this, it would appear that the split between Judy and Josh was amicable, as later during the Low Volume Saga, Josh would perform an exorcism for Judy, as she had felt the presence of a malicious spirit in her bathroom.
Judy's final appearance in Josh's videos was during “Good times and drinks all around”, where Judy got white girl wasted spouting racial slurs and flashing the camera.


Ami was Josh's girlfriend after he broke up with Judy, and as is custom, was an immediate step downwards - Ami was basically a carbon copy of Judy, but with less teeth. Ami would be with josh for even less time than Judy, and Josh would respond to a suicide bait text by encouraging her to commit suicide.

Josh would disclose on September 21st, 2015 that Ami went to jail in the extremely self-explanatory title “Ami went to jail”.

Shorty "The Red Dwarf" Decker

Shorty was Judy's boyfriend after her breakup with Josh. He also shows up during “Good times and drinks all around”.


ExhumedVisions makes high-quality merchandise of Josh and his antics. Despite the thinly veiled irony of many of some of his merch, Josh maintains a decent para-social relationship with Exhumed.


Tina is Homeboy Scotty's former girlfriend, and mother to his two children. Prominently featuring in The Post-Wendy's Saga, Tina would eventually develop a drug habit and leave Scotty entirely. Tina's most famous moment is in a stream during The Wandmaker Saga when Tina would climb through Josh's window, demanding to talk with Homeboy Scotty.


Summer was one of Josh's of-age, alive girlfriends, and is the focal point of The Summer Saga. Summer is a furry artist who would enter a brief, yet content-dense relationship during 2017, and would eventually separate from Josh after numerous vicious trolling attacks.


Similar to Summer, Ellen was another gothic of-age girl for Josh to thirst over, and would be the centerpiece of The Ellen Saga. However, unlike Summer, Ellen and Josh would never really get together.


Goldfinger is a Casper local that would occasionally show up in the background of Josh's streams playing Grand Theft Auto 5 for a few weeks. Apart from occasionally chuckling at Shon and Saunders skits, Goldfinger would almost never actually do anything but play GTA V and hype-man Josh on Trole comments.

Goldfinger's most well-known moment is when he and Warlord, both possibly under the influence, had a shirtless wrestling match on stream much to Josh's discomfort.

When asked how Josh met Goldfinger, Josh simply responded “Don't worry about it.”

Walt and Angie

Walt and Angie are the parents of Ellen and most notable for how much they managed to mooch off of Josh's generous nature during The Ellen Saga.

Courtney Neidt

Courtney Neidt, sometimes referred to as 'Porkney' due to her size, is a Homegirl who became mostly known during The Conquistador Age. Making fast friends with Josh, she would attempt to set him up with Gothie, and generally remains the closest thing Josh has to a steady friend. Courtney has drawn criticism in the Cobraverse in part due to her attempts to patronize Josh by enabling his delusions and paying for his booze, as well as leaking The Warlord Fight.

While it is unconfirmed at this time, rumors abound that Chris/Mr. Oinkers is a moderator for her streams.


Gothie is a goth chick missing her front teeth that Courtney would introduce to Josh. One of Josh's fans, Gothie would disclose to Josh that she sold material of herself online. This did not stop Josh from masturbating to her; Given Josh's proclivity for cam models, if anything this was a turn-on for him. At some point after that, Gothie would have a psychotic break and accuse Josh of being emotionally manipulative. Scarred by this interaction, Josh would retreat back to his Bog Den to patiently wait.

Banjo Bill

Banjo Bill is the most mysterious homeboy in the Cobraverse. Despite being mentioned by Josh as far back as The Ellen Saga as an upstairs neighbor to Josh, he has yet to appear in a video at his own insistence. However, Banjo Bill has been referred to as a benefactor in Josh's eyes, as he will sometimes drop off some smokes and Hurricane beer for Josh, and would check in on him when he was evicted from his first apartment, as well as after phase 2 of the NALpocalypse.

Banjo Bill showed his true colors after one day stealing the Cigarette Pole from Josh's apartment and holding it for ransom on the KingCobraJFS Subreddit. After the moderation team threatened to report him to the local authorities for property theft, Bill would return it.


2024/06/08 00:52 · kiwi
characters/minor_homeboys_and_homegirls.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 23:36 by stuffedcrustfrompapajohnswithextracheeseextrabacononionsjalapenosandanchoviesdoodt

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