Table of Contents
Editing Guide
To Do(by priority)
- Finish the major articles: Boglim History, Characters, Villains
- Finish the Incidents/Items pages
- Slog through all of Cobes' numerous albums
- Clean up the menus and front page a bit more
- Begin the arduous task of cataloguing drink combos and food hacks
How to write for Boglimpedia
Despite what many believe, writing for any form of Wikipedia article is easy. Your only real goal is to present the facts in a non-biased, professional manner. You may give as many or as few details as pertinent to the article as necessary, especially as much of what happens in the Cobraverse is based on speculation.
Don't use personal biases when writing. This is especially important for Boglimpedia, as Josh is a controversial figure. Nothing but the facts. Nobody cares what you think. This rule extends to theorizing as well - Many things happen off-camera in the Cobraverse that are seldom addressed until they suddenly are. If you're not certain on what happened, say that there's no reliable source on what happened. Josh and the people who orbit him are lolcows, and as such often spill the beans for personal reasons anyway.
Always attempt to cite your sources and name dates. Josh has been uploading content to YouTube since 2010. The more accurate you are in your sources, the more easy it is to find these videos, especially as Josh has a bad habit of deleting videos he doesn't like.
Write your articles as though the reader knows nothing about Josh. The history of KingCobraJFS is long and daunting to get into, especially to the un-initiated. There is always a chance that someone has stumbled across your article and this is their first exposure to the BOY, so you should seek to write with the mindset that your article is the landing point for the next hapless soldier to enlist in the Cobra Wars. When referring to other objects, persons or incidents in the timeline, be sure to link to them. Be the reason some braindead TikTok zoomer falls into the cobra nest.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes. The fabric of reality is moth-eaten and curiously thin in the Cobraverse, and mistakes are commonplace. Not having the correct source, grammatical errors, sections that need to be rewritten due to a poor grasp of the English language - these concepts are all of no importance to the Boglimpedia. Eventually, all mistakes are rectified, one way or another.
When linking to a page or uploading a media file, please use an appropriate namespace. Examples:
[[namespace:Page Name]] e.g. [[characters:Clint Saunders]]
Current namespaces: characters, sagas, art, Albums, places
You're welcome to use new namespaces if the page you're creating doesn't fit into an existing one. Please make sure any page you create uses some namespace though, even if it's a new one you just made up.
If you want to link to a specific part of a page, input it like so:
[[page>#header]] e.g. [[sagas:the_stephanie_saga>#A Calamitous Divination comes true|"Yeah whatever man, I hope your family dies in an automobile wreck"]]
As such, the link now goes straight to the related section of the article, or as Wingsofredemption might put it: "Yeah whatever man, I hope your family dies in an automobile wreck"
If you notice an article is incomplete, please add this code to it to indicate that it is a stub.
If you're looking for places to make edits to contribute to the wiki, the backlinks section of the stub page page will show you articles currently marked as stubs.
Other blurbs
Please see the blurbs page for embeddable blurbs that currently exist. For repeatable content like the table of Cobra's albums, the stub page, etc, you can embed these blurbs like so:
{{page>:blurbs#Name of blurb}}
Feel free to create new blurbs for content that's likely to be repeated but is subject to change at a later date.
The full documentation for the DokuWiki gallery plugin can be found here. The tl;dr on the easiest way to make a gallery on a page is like this
For example:
Your contribution won't be removed if you don't cite your sources, since there's loads of Cobra content and most people are going to be working from memory, but please cite your sources whenever possible.
lolcowgo is a great search tool for finding YouTube links with timestamps.