
It is what it is, doodt

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The Cobraverse, like many subcultures, has developed a unique vocabulary. This consists of characteristic utterances of Josh himself, often called Cobraisms, and other meme phrases uttered by his friends and detractors.


Cobraisms are unique phrases or mangled words frequently used by King Cobra JFS - most of them can be attributed to the boy's poor reading skills, him hearing a phrase, misunderstanding it's meaning and using it in completely inappropriate situations, or butchering an entire saying by coming with completely different sentence that doesn't make any sense. Basically imagine a character with high speech stat and low intelligence.

While few of these are so ubiquitous that they are essential vocabulary for anyone acquainted with the Cobraverse, there are many, many obscure gems that Joshua has uttered over the course of years that will make you think a second coming of Andy Kaufman has graced us his his presence.

Forbidden Four (or Five or Six)

Definition: A list of forbidden sexual relationships, variously including: children, animals, relatives, dead bodies, non-consenting individuals, etc.
Usage Example:


Definition: “That's What's Up”
Variations: “That's most definitely what's up (TMDWU)”, “That's most definitely not what's up (TMDNWU)“
Usage Example: “I found a half pack of cigarettes someone left out on the picnic table. TWU!”

For other, less common cobraisms, see List of Cobraisms

Meme Words & Phrases


Definition: See KingCobraJFS
Origin: First uttered by Cooltaste, believed to be a corruption of “goblin.”
Usage example: “I caught that dirty boglim looking for half-smoked cigarettes in the ashtray again.”


Definition: Frequently added to the end of imperatives directed at Cobra to exploit or mock Cobra's oppositional defiant disorder.
Example: “Better not go live, BOY”
“Better not cry on stream, BOY

RIP Homeboy Scotty

Definition: A joke phrase trolls say to rile Josh up. Homeboy Scotty isn't dead, but Josh doesn't realize that people who say this know that. Example
Origin: [citation needed] Josh made an RIP video to someone named Scott at some point. Fans initially thought he meant Homeboy Scotty, but kept saying RIP Homeboy Scotty after Josh was visibly annoyed.


“You're not even the real Ozzy, dude!”
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2024/06/08 00:52 · kiwi
glossary.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/23 11:11 by cobrastan

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