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The Darkness

The Darkness is the fourth album released by KingCobraJFS in September of 2012. it is nearly five hours long and consists of 28 tracks - The longest album to ever be made by Josh Saunders.

Background and Production

Much like every other album, The Darkness is a cornucopia of avant-garde incoherency recorded in a dark room on a poor iMac microphone. However, this album can be noted by it's darker tones (hence the name) and its longest album length to date. As far as mental illness goes, this album is a pretty odyssean venture and it's believed that it may largely be the point.

Music and Lyrics

This album features topics such as STDs, Josh's obsession with Cradle of Filth, Josh's dislike of relationships with women, his persistent anger issues, his frequent need to want to fuck everything that walks and his poor relationship with his father. On the track “Daddy Dearest” listeners can hear a recording of Clint actually crying and speaking to Josh about how violent he is with women in Grand Theft Auto. While it's a sad thing to hear, it's actually a pretty poignant use of something real and emotional, something celebrated music artists have used for a number of decades to illicit tears or anger.

Track List

All music written by Joshua “KingCobraJFS” Saunders.

No. Title Length
1The Darkness5:46
2Love Itch3:38
4Nymphetamine Addiction7:22
5My Sunshine7:03
6Can't Trust Love8:03
7Black Rose6:42
9Going Insane19:18
12Vampire Love8:28
13Blue Diamonds in the Mist5:46
14Dark Side of Love6:40
15Magical Women5:18
16Smoking That Sweet Grass17:30
17Rain Storms in My Head6:42
18Summer Rain15:44
23Daddy Dearest9:02
25Ring Your Bells All Night Long6:00

Reception and Criticism

Cobra's tracks are traditionally not very audibly appealing, it is quadrupled when they are sometimes 20 minutes long and contain nothing but his half coherent drunken rambling about whatever dark topics Josh can think of and his love of weed. The whole album is a juvenile slog and probably the worst of them all.

The Darkness currently sits at a 3.98/5.00 on RateYourMusic. A copy of the album has since been uploaded to Rumble, where it can be listened to for free, divided into five separate parts.


2024/06/08 00:52 · kiwi