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The NALpocalypse

Currently Happening

“That's just, you know, the chaos that is life. You're not born knowing what you want in life, man.”
This page refers to events that have still not concluded. Information on this page might not be perfectly up to date with the latest happenings in the Cobraverse. You can help by editing it!

2024/06/08 00:52 · kiwi

The NALpocalypse is a pivotal Incident in Boglim History, monumental in its nature for being a moment of great clarity for Josh: Cobes would officially break up with Jessica after severing all lines of communication to her and announcing his relationship status via Facebook. This would spark a major meltdown from his now-ex girlfriend Jessica and would elicit a furious response from Josh in the form of the “Im single” video, where Josh would admit to his alcoholism, the troubles that Jessica brought, and why he was dumping her.

The NALpocalypse
Josh officially announces his breakup with Jessica
Event style: Uploaded video(Josh), livestream(Jessica)
Location: Casper Trailer Park
Important characters: KingCobraJFS, Nakedandlaughing
Summary: Josh finally attempts to banish the Bog Hag
Event Genre: Drama, Disaster
Results: Josh officially single, Jessica enraged, the Cobraverse in peril
Saga: The Trailer Saga

Timeline of Events

PHASE ONE: Breakup

August 1st, 2024:

Late Afternoon

Jessica would go live and receive a call from Josh, who was concerned about her alcohol abuse. This would turn rotten fast as Jessica would livestream the entire argument from start to finish, using her trademark tactics of refusing to let Josh get a word in and then victim blaming.

Josh would start severing ties via social media after the argument spiraled out of control. The BOY clearly had had enough.

Early Evening

Not to be upstaged, Jessica would go live again to scream about how Josh. She would make numerous claims during this, including:

Josh would start recording his 20-minute rant video on Jessica.

Late Evening

Jessica would discover that Josh had changed his Facebook relationship status to “single”. This would cause a gargantuan meltdown stream on Jessica's end. NAL would go on to claim later that Josh choked her on two separate occasions on his birthday(The one where he got evicted) although she lacked any forms of evidence. Jessica would make numerous claims involving Josh's biological mother, that Josh wanted to sexually assault his mother, and that after 2-3 hours of sex, he immediately started cranking his hog 5 minutes later on Chaturbate, quickly settling into the “I know I'm ugly” thought loop she's well known for while hitting duster. Later on in the stream after hearing that Josh had made a video, she would descend into a vicious thought loop and fighting with her stream chat.
About half an hour after Josh's video went live, she would ragequit her own stream.

Josh would officially announce his new relationship status, coincidentally minutes before uploading the video “Im single”.

The "Im single" video

In this video, Josh would lay down every single misgiving he had collected during her visits in one place.

August 5th, 2024:

Jessica would continue to stream. She would continue to act as if the two hadn't broken up, in stark denial of the obvious.

Josh would receive a text message from an excommunicated moderator of Jessica's stream warning him that Jessica still had the plane ticket. Josh confirmed that he would not let her in.

August 6th, 2024:

Josh would appear on a stream with homegirl Courtney Neidt and later, Jessica Messica. In the stream, Josh would detail that Jessica had a fetish for being choked during coitous, and that she had lied about the trip, saying she wouldn't go if he didn't want her to. Additionally, while repeating talking points from the “Im single” video, Josh stated he would refuse entry to her. According to Josh, Clint offered to get Jessica a hotel room during the second eviction saga to give the two space, but Josh declined.

Jessica Messica would join the call and the three would share thoughts on the state of NAL, the breakup, and one of Jessica's numerous meltdowns, including talking about an argument where Jessica was wielding a knife. Josh would be beset with a slew of emotions witnessing the meltdown, and additionally furious when he discovered that she had been hitting duster.

Jessica would take the news of him talking with not only another woman, but also her #1 hater poorly. Having yet another meltdown on stream, she would continue to deny the breakup as much as humanly possible, huffing Copium-scented duster ad nauseum.

PHASE TWO: Incursion

Please note that these dates are a bit shifty, as at this time Jessica would go silent on social media in an attempt to maintain secrecy.

August 23rd, 2024:

Jessica would announce that she was in Casper via a series of DMs with the troll who bankrolled her latest visit, Mr. Oinkers. She would disclose that she was dodging calls and texts from Josh because she was anxious over the whole affair.

Josh would attempt to ward Jessica off via calls and text messages to no avail.

August 24th, 2024:

Jessica would make a Cameo video while in Casper. KiwiFarms users would theorize that Jessica had filmed this at Peaches', a restaurant close to the cheapest hotel in Casper.

Josh would upload a noon video as well as a drink combo video, coming across as agitated and irritable, being incredibly paranoid of Jessica's imminent arrival.

August 25th-28th, 2024:

It is believed that somewhere during this time, Jessica and Josh made contact and the unfortunate mixture of Jessica's love bombing and Josh's good nature allowed Josh to bury the hatchet with her. It is presumed that later, Jessica checked out of her hotel and moved in with Josh at his trailer no later than August 28th, 2024.

August 30th, 2024:

Jessica would take her (presumably) first shower in weeks, and put on a brand new shirt.

Josh would go live for four hours, talking shit and generally being in a foul mood. Abruptly at four hours in, someone would knock on Josh's trailer door, and Josh would suddenly end the stream without fanfare. Several minutes later, Josh would go live again, continuing his typical streaming antics, although he muted his stream a few times for bathroom breaks. It was later confirmed in a call that Jessica had spent the remaining four hours doing a crossword puzzle in his kitchen as the stream transpired. Viewers would get the first bit of evidence suggesting Jessica's arrival when Josh returned from a bathroom break to denounce Jessica Messica's antics, saying that JM was only picking on NAL because NAL was prettier. After the stream ended, Josh would supposedly get a handy from Jessica, and Josh would get semen over her new shirt. Josh and Jessica would then settle down and watch Josh's favorite movie Tombstone together. An argument between Josh and Jessica would start after the pair watched Tombstone together, only for Josh to get enraged when Jessica asked too many questions about westerns. The argument would continue to get worse with Josh accidentally spilling his drink on Jessica. Jessica would freak out, as this was her only change of clothing for the entire visit, and would go into BPD overdrive: Stripping naked, Jessica would run around the trailer, getting mad and claiming that Josh had gotten semen on her, just before video calling Mr. Oinkers via Discord. In this harrowing several minutes, Josh can be seen brought to a breaking point, pulling out the shotgun and attempting to commit suicide by firing at his own head as Jessica goads him into pulling the trigger. Mercifully, no shells were in the gun, but an audible *click* is heard, associated with a dry fire.

Jessica would continue to claim that Josh had choked her, and would disclose that she had a five-minute long video that she was likely using to blackmail Josh into letting her stay.

September 2nd, 2024:

Josh would upload a video titled “Im sorry”. In the video, Josh would apologize for breaking his phone, rendering it impossible for him to do cameos, go live, and post as frequently. Early in the video, Josh can be seen looking towards the doorway of his YouTube room, presumably at Jessica, before turning the complete opposite direction to avoid her gaze. Josh would also change shirts and shave his beard down to a goatee, which he had done the previous Jessica visit as well.

The same evening, Jessica Messica would upload the leaked phone call featuring the Jessica/Josh argument, solidifying that she was at the trailer. Her cover blown, Jessica would stream on Instagram for forty minutes with Josh in the background, an ominous red tint over the entire stream.

Jessica would leave on the 4th of September, much to the entire Cobraverse's relief.


Following Jessica's departure, Josh would begin a new tactic: Just ignoring her. As a final goodbye, Josh would send her a bottle of chocolate-flavored beer because he's a gentleman, and would begin making content as per his usual boglim antics, sans-Jessica.

Jessica would attempt numerous ways to get back to Casper, endlessly vying to get Josh's attention to no avail..

  1. First, she would go live in an attempt to draw donations for another visit, stating that Mr. Oinkers was afraid of getting doxxed and would not be getting involved again.
  2. Secondly, Jessica would attempt to release revenge porn she made of her and Josh, teasing 2k for the entire tape. As far as we are aware, this goal was mercifully not met. Jessica would delete this facebook post.
  3. Jessica would attempt to look into buying a house in Casper.

Incident Highlights

2024/06/08 00:52 · kiwi