“You're not even the real Ozzy, dude!”
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“Just tellin' like it is, YouTube.” - Josh Saunders
KingCobraJFS |
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Born: Joshua Fay Saunders |
Alias(es): Gothickingcobra52, The Boglim, Cobes, King Cobra, Josh, Jorp Sandeaux, BOY, Peachmonster666 |
Gender: Male |
Nationality: American |
Education: Natrona County High School, Boxelder Job Corps(dropout) |
Occupation: Professional wandmaker |
Relatives: Clint Saunders, Tanis Saunders, Puff Saunders |
Crimes: Driving without a license, Public intoxication, alleged animal abuse |
Sagas: ALL. |
KingCobraJFS, born Joshua Faye Saunders of Casper, Wyoming, also known as Josh, Cobes, Cobra, and formerly known as Gothickingcobra52, is a Youtuber and self proclaimed “sexy gothic badboy”, singer-songwriter, wand maker, and wizard. Josh is known for making lengthy video responses to other YouTubers, gender relations rants, performing vocal covers, and making “drink combos” and infamous “food hacks” that involve a myriad of unconventional ingredients. Josh is a self proclaimed and possibly medically diagnosed as having Asperger's syndrome, which he frequently brings up and discusses in many of his videos. Saunders has a significant online following both on and off of YouTube that comprise a combination of fans, casual viewers, and a contingent of viewers that Josh refers to as "the trolls".
Much of Josh’s life is murky, but what is known is that he was born on March 26, 1991 to Clint and Laura Saunders in Casper, Wyoming. Shortly after birth, Clint and Laura went through a rough divorce and a custody battle. Josh was born with respiratory distress syndrome (NRDS), underdeveloped lungs, and was placed in an incubator. Clint always maintained that Laura was psychotic and abusive, with some trolls believing that she may have had a drug problem or drank liquor while Josh was still in the womb.
In 1992/1993 Josh relocated to Miles City, Montana with his parents where both shared custody. Details of his life in Montana are murky and largely unknown, aside from Clint owning and running gymnastics clubs in both Miles City and Glendive, Montana. Other places Josh lived were Valley City, North Dakota; and South Lake Tahoe, California. Clint remarried in 1996 and was awarded sole custody of Josh. Eventually Josh moved back to Casper, Wyoming and graduated from Natrona County High School. He was bullied a lot in high school because of his Aspergers syndrome and was often accused of being “creepy” for sexually assaulting girls. This was admitted by Josh on stream 3/7/2021, although his excuse was “they were totally into me” - Which of course, they were not. At some point he was on the wrestling team, where he remained on the team long enough to receive a letterman jacket before deciding the sport was “gay”, resulting in his departure from the team. He discovered the band Cradle of Filth and began to identify as a goth. At 18, he got a tattoo of the “Cool S” everybody drew in elementary school, calling it the symbol of his new religion.
Josh's first real bit of fame on YouTube would come in the form of “Fuck the Mainstream”, a video where he would rant about how being cool would eventually make you popular, and then mainstream, and thus boring. During this video, Josh would also show off his concept art for his personal Gothic Clocktower Dreamhouse, a long-running goal in Josh's headspace. Josh would gain much recognition on YouTube from this, although much of it came in the form of notoriety - Josh was not dressed like a conventional goth by any means outside of his black nail polish and garish tin foil finger ring.
While there is no easy way to compress the decade and a half of content Josh has put out, this is only an extremely abridged version. For a full look, check out his saga pages, starting at The Gothickingcobra52 Saga.
Josh started his YouTube career on June 13th, 2010, under his first channel Gothickingcobra52. There, a 19 year-old Josh would start uploading videos where he would talk about various topics while wheedling on his guitar. This content would remain the norm while also introducing other Cobraverse mainstays such as Shon and Saunders comedy segments, rant videos, proto-gendur-relayshuns rants, and drink combos. In July of 2011, Josh would leave to Utah for the Boxelder Job Corps to learn a skilled trade.
Josh's time at the Job Corps was turbulent to say the least - Josh would deal with bullying and what he perceived as blatant abuse of authority, but would also meet the love of his life in Stephanie, a girl he would lose his virginity to. Josh would be kicked out of Job Corps after being caught smoking weed, a habit Josh would hold on to during his entire lifetime. Josh would be rescued by homedad Clint from a homeless shelter after the Job Corps left him there for a few days.
With that venture in shambles, Josh would return to Clint's basement for a spell before moving into his own apartment, joined by his high school friend Chris Moore. Josh would cheat on Stephanie, his now-girlfriend at this time, and wait a while before informing Stephanie. After having his password leaked, losing all of his videos, and starting a new channel under the name “KingCobraJFS”, Josh would find a job at Wendy's, and deal with Chris freeloading on his dime for an extended period before Josh kicked him to the curb, possibly due to a Clintervention.
Josh would remain steady in this apartment, even having Stephanie move in with him for a while before Stephanie cheated on Josh with a mutual friend, leaving him. Josh would attempt to fill the void with numerous other women, sex dolls, and a number of women his friend Homeboy Scotty would attempt to set up with him, although it is difficult to confirm if Scotty's girls were even real to begin with.
After an extended period of missing totally real girls Scotty was trying to set him up with, Josh would get fired from his job due to interference from a Trole named Castellus Zemi. Josh would spend much time attempting to find a job during this phase, and would often be seen hanging with his innumerable homeboys during this time, introducing new names to the Cobraverse such as Warlord, Alex Anderson, Jeremy Rogers, and Scrapper Steve. Basically, if you hanged out with Josh and didn't care too much about getting recorded, you'd be a Homeboy.
Josh maintains this unemployed state for the better part of a year before getting new work at The Office Bar and Grill as a dish washer. During this time, however, Josh would gain more notoriety after a failed GoFundMe to buy him a sex doll, having a sex doll sent to him, destroying it in a manner not unlike a serial killer would do to his victims, and trying to hide it by having a "rebirth" of his channel, to limited success.
With this newfound fame came more trouble. Soon after, Josh would end his “dry spell” with a girl named Summer, who would be a notable victim of the Cobraverse during this era. Hit on by Scrapper Steve and dealing with social media trolls non-stop, Summer would eventually distance herself from Josh for her own safety. Josh would be devastated, but he would recoup his losses by starting a new business, Cobra Craft Wands. Selling out fast, Josh would continue to use his ability to lathe down sticks into wands for rabid fans who wished to copy Cobra's Magic.
Not long after this, Josh would meet Ellen, and have a not-quite-relationship with her, attempting to curry favor with this hot alive of-age non-related goth chick, to no avail. Josh would be evicted from his apartment in 2020 after it was discovered the extent of the damage that Josh had managed to lay into the place over a lengthy 10 years.
Josh would move into his new place in the now-infamous Conquistador apartments and would go live often, making numerous videos, get addicted to computer duster, and after 4 years of living there, bag his next of-age goth chick: Jessica Anne Boyle, also known as nakedandlaughing. Not long after her second visit, Josh would be evicted again due to innumerable noise complaints, and move to a trailer park, where he presides now.
In the present day, Josh's health, both physical and mental, has deteriorated severely, and he is a shell of what he once was. In years prior, Josh was still mentally handicapped and struggled with basic tasks, but he had a social life, ambitions, hopes, and dreams. In the present day, all of this is gone.
The trolls, having become a bigger and bigger part of his life over the years, now play a central role in Josh's life, making up the majority of his social interactions. While he is loathe to admit it, the constant trolling has clearly taken a psychological toll on Josh, making him more agitated, socially isolated, and even more incapable of interfacing with the world around him in a remotely normal or healthy way.
As of 2024, his mental state is still in a clear decline, with no end in sight. While there have been momentary periods of peace and positivity in his life, Josh's stubborn refusal to stop interacting with the trolls means it's likely that his life will continue to spiral downward indefinitely.
Josh is estranged from his biological mother Lora, who he wrote a track for in his album Darken Days, possibly detailing his abusive relationship with her. It's difficult to tell, however, as Darken Days was during an era of Josh's music-making where his music was basically impossible to parse by the human ear.
Among his siblings are two sisters, who according to Clint are “straight ‘A’ students ”, members of honors societies, active in their communities in organizing volunteer work and raising awareness for the Humane Society, and according to HomeDad Clint have no interest in tobacco, drugs, or alcohol. In spite of all this, Clint is still quite proud of Josh, but knew from the time Josh was born that there was something wrong with him. According to an interview, Clint goes into detail about Josh’s mental state in his younger days by stating:
“He was very different. By the time he was five we started taking him to counselors to try and get him the help he needed. From the age of 5-18 he saw counselors and was on medications and was able to function fairly well. When he was young I went back to college to study psychology in hopes to be able to help him more. I worked with kids in the mental health field for years to gain knowledge and skills to try and help him. I have quit good jobs in exchange for lesser paying jobs just so I could be home more to be there for him.”
Josh's ideas about fashion are somewhat incoherent, but follow some generally consistent themes. He frequently describes himself as a sexy goth bad boy, but on other occasions, has referred to himself as a hippie, a cowboy, and a dark wizard. He is often seen wearing his iconic black cowboy hat and spiked bracelets or chokers. His fashion could reasonably be summed up as “mall goth”, primarily consisting of the sort of things that Hot Topic and Spencer's sells.
Josh's fashion follows a distinct trend, easily separated into various costumes. This is made easier by the fact that Josh showers once a week, and wears the same clothes for weeks at a time.
Josh has a number of fashion statements that have remained staples of his appearance since his earliest inceptions. The most well recognized of these is the Sabbath Bloody Sabbath T-shirt, which Josh has worn so much it's impressive it hasn't rotted away yet. Other mainstays include Josh's T-shirt of Dani Filth and various Ozzy T-shirts.
In the formative years of the channel, Josh can be seen wearing a wide collection of various gothic and metal-themed T-shirts. Between this, his eyeliner and black nail polish, and the full head of hair, many regard this as Josh's “Lesbian Aunt” era.
Josh's first major forays into questionable fashion territory by entering his Goth Biker phase. First, Josh would start covering his head with a black bandanna in order to hide his receding hairline, and debuting The Camouflage Vest. This style would gradually include other gothic accessories over time, but Josh's Tough Guy appearance was the most important thing during this saga.
There's something about cowboys. Maybe it's the style. Maybe it's what they stand for. Maybe it's because Wyoming never left the 1800s. Maybe it's just that Josh really likes Tombstone. Whatever it is, towards the end of the Ellen Saga, Josh would receive a new hat he would declare was Most Definitely What's Up. Gaining a second, wider one in later months known as the Pie High Hat, Josh would tear the sleeves off his Camouflage Vest and turn it into a true man's vest, as his hat continued to degrade. It is unconfirmed, but rumors persist that Josh sleeps in his hats, causing the additional damage.
Tied into the most famous of all outfits, Josh would debut an olive drab-esque jacket with The Rolling Stones' logo emblazoned on its back. Between the admission of baldness, the larger spectacles, and his overall wrecked appearance, Josh would best resemble a homeless Vietnam veteran. Clint always wanted a US Marine as a son, but this is the best he could manage.
With the appearance of NakedAndLaughing, Josh's style has deteriorated heavily over time. Fluctuating heavily, Josh can be seen in multiple various styles during this time, past and present, while also showing off a new wide-brim hat and his black jacket.
Josh has a storied history when it comes to animal abuse. Josh approaches most animals in a similar way a five-year-old would, in that he doesn't always realize the differences between animals and humans. Josh has gotten into trouble with Clint numerous times for feeding weed to his father's dogs, and has given his surrogate pet Mrs. Green and Puff Saunders both weed and booze, not understanding that it is extremely damaging to animals.
Most controversially at an early stage in his career, Josh would recount a story of discovering a lost baby bird in a parking lot; Unable to find its nest, and deciding the most humane thing to do was to put it out of its misery, Josh would kill the baby bird by running it over with his back bike tire. Many fans would criticize Josh's questionable judgment in the scenario, and he has never escaped the allegations of being a psycho.
Joshua has stalked a former high school crush by the name of Alicia Rhodie for nearly 15 years after graduating high school. In fact, Alicia continues to be a reoccurring name in the Cobraverse as late as Fall of 2024, where Josh would tell his fans to stop bringing up her name. Despite this, Josh has apologized for stalking her numerous times, continued to stalk her via social media, named his sex doll a similar-sounding name, attempted to write a book with a visually similar person, saved images of her modelling photo shoots to his desktop…The list goes on. It would become so pronounced that Clint would pull Josh aside on his 30th birthday and tell him that Alicia had killed herself due to The Troles, and Josh would be devastated before discovering that this was a complete fabrication some days later.
Despite preaching ad nauseum(Sometimes literally!) about healing the ever-lengthening divide between men and women, Josh is infamous for his targeted harassment towards women, especially those who refuse to sleep with him. This can be seen as far back as The Stephanie Saga, where Josh would(Supposedly half-jokingly by Josh's account) threaten to rape Stephanie after she cheated on him with a mutual friend, but would also extend to extremely hurtful comments about Homeboy Scotty's sister Carolyn during The Wandmaker Saga, as well as expressing joy and even sexual pleasure at the emotional turmoil of his ex-girlfriends such as Jessica Boyle and Ami.
The Saunders Family: | KingCobraJFS • ![]() ![]() |
Homeboys and Homegirls: | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Villains and Foes of King Cobra: | CoolTaste • ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Neutral parties: | Bitesize Cobra Vids • Seizurerobot5000 • Trappped • Boglim Chronicles • CEO of Chairbugs • TheGreaseWizard • Lenin Lime • Walnut Grove • Krystal Roberts |