“Oh my god, I did spell empowerment incorrectly! GOD DAMN IT!”
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The Stephanie Saga is the span of Boglim History spanning from February 28, 2013 to winter of 2014. This saga is named for the impact Stephanie, Josh's first girlfriend, would have on him during and after the events of this period in time. It is preceeded by The Couch Chris Saga and followed by The Low Volume Saga.
The nightmare is slain, and Chris is finally gone for good. Stephanie is soon to be finished with Job Corps, and things are once again looking on the up and up. How can Josh possibly fail this time?
With the departure of Couch Chris, Josh had an empty hole in his heart. With Stephanie far away still and Chris a distant memory, Josh invited another new person into his home - His Wendy's coworker named Kent. Kent would show up in exactly one video, titled “I miss Stephanie”, remaining ominously silent and unmoving for the duration. However, when Josh said that he was keeping a copy of his sex tape with Stephanie on his iPod to watch, he would emerge from his catatonic state to try to sneak a peak over Josh's shoulder. In this same video, Josh would announce that he was in the process of saving for a car and his driver's license as a short-term goal. Josh would continue to lament Stephanie's absence for the remainder of the video.
Much like a ghost sighting, Kent would never be seen again, leading to speculation that Josh had a change of heart, remembering the pain of evicting Chris from his apartment.
On March 3, 2013, Josh would release “Payday”, more famously known as “The Hair Dye Video”, encapsulating early age Cobra content and effectively explaining Josh as a person in a nutshell.
Getting his check cashed early, Josh would go out to by his usual hoard of booze, tobacco and similar vices before bringing out his pièce de résistance: Black hair dye. Before starting(but not before taking his shirt off) Josh would receive a call from his manager. In a stark bit of foreshadowing, Josh had misread the days, and was supposed to be at work at 11:30, not at 5:00 as he had explained earlier. Josh would continue to dye his hair unimpeded after this phone call, spending the remainder of the video doing various stupid shit with his hair dye including a joker grin and partial blackface. For whatever reason, the dye would come out blue on his skin, making Josh look like a particularly bloated alien from James Cameron's Avatar. He would continue his appropriately clown-like antics further and talking to himself before ending the video in his usual fashion.
Josh would spend much time working on his next album, Rebirth of my mind(,) decent(sic) into madness, and would proceed to make videos roughly three times a day. These would often be similarly titled “Morning video”, “Afternoon video”, and so on and so forth. During one occasion after downing some peach schnapps, Josh would upload a video where he talked about getting catfished via facebook, and would hold the blunt blade from one of his Cobra Canes to his chest, suicide baiting. Josh would show visible signs of balding and getting fatter at this stage. He would end his video by tearfully singing along to Green Day's Boulevard of Broken Dreams and headbanging.
A few days later, Josh would announce that he and Stephanie had reconciled and were back together. This came at a cost, however: The very same day, Josh's spiked dog collar would finally break from years of erosion.
In May, disaster would strike once again when Clint discovered Josh had managed to spend $770 over the course of two months, under the impression that this was money from his savings account. This would turn out to be his SSDI payments instead. Josh claimed he was unaware he was still on it.
Several uneventful months would pass before Stephanie would return to celebrate July 4th with Josh, making him ecstatic. Stephanie would show up in the background of a video in July 5th, where Josh would talk about the two of them going to see horror film “The Purge”. Josh would also badly serenade Stephanie with mid-2000s internet classic, “Hey There Delilah”, out of key. Stephanie would return once more to Job Corps, and Josh would spend the rest of July playing guitar in his videos and finishing his fifth album, releasing it on October 7th, 2013 for $9 on TuneCore.
Following the release of this album, many of Josh's videos would feature his theoretical musical talent, Stephanie's visit clearly invigorating him. Josh would re-paint his BC Ridgewick with spraypaint during this point. His creative juices flowing over, Josh would attempt to create a horrific new proto-food-hack by the name of Ice Cream Bread. Attempting to circumvent the traditional bread recipe, Josh would make a loaf of bread with twinkies and Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream in the middle. Josh would also attempt to spraypaint his Cobragam symbol onto a piece of cloth above his bed, to disastrous results - the cloth being too thin to prevent the spraypaint from going through. Josh would cover this with his cobra poster in an attempt to hide it.
In November, Stephanie would once again return for Thanksgiving, bringing out Josh's more positive side. He would go on to make several more videos before Stephanie's return in one of which he regales viewers with a story where he cleared a clogged urinal. Manually. He would unsurprisingly get in trouble for this. Josh would also claim that one of his songs off his fifth album, “Dark Hallow”, was played on the radio twice. This has never been proven.
Before Stephanie left once more for Job Corps, Josh would make an extremely sexually charged video with her after they got a little tipsy. Josh would refer to their pairing as “true love” during this video.
Josh forgets to buy Stephanie a bus ticket back to job corps, so his dad steps in to buy her a bus ticket, and even drives Stephanie by Wendy's on the way to the bus station so Josh can say goodbye. Instead of thanking him, Josh gets pissed off at his dad for making him look like he can't take care of things. Josh decides to call his dad at 6:00 a.m. (on video) to confront him about the issue. Josh's dad responds by telling Josh that he can pay his own rent and bills, but quickly changes his mind.
Out of the blue in December of 2013, disaster would strike: Clint's car would be almost entirely destroyed by a semi truck trailer attempting an illegal u-turn at night on the highway. Clint would attempt to swerve and have a corner-to-corner T-bone collision with another vehicle in the process. This would harken back to a curse made nearly three years prior as a throwaway during an argument between Clint and Josh. Coming close to death, Clint would win thousands of dollars in settlement due to the incident. Heartlessly, Josh would make a video blaming Clint for the car crash, because if his dad was home more of the time, it would not have happened. Letting go of years of angst, Josh would say “If the car crash killed him…? Honestly, I don't know what I'd think. […] But if he did die, welp, he's always away on trips working, so it wouldn't make much of a difference to me.”
Josh would spend Christmas in the hospital with his father and family, and make more videos bemoaning Clint's condition.
In January of 2014, Stephanie would move in entirely with Josh, sporadically appearing in the background of videos or in the kitchen. Josh would continue to make videos, planning to create his own strain of cannabis by the name of “King Cobra's Chronic”, assisted by a book on how to grow marijuana.
Josh would start shopping around for a shotgun in the name of home defense, now that Stephanie was living with him. He would eventually settle on a side-by-side double-barrelled shotgun in 12 gauge, and would begin saving for it. Ownership of this weapon would be a hotly contested topic in Josh's videos, although he was adamant he wouldn't do anything dangerous with it, leading to the line “Guns are like cobras, you gotta have respect for 'em, otherwise they can hurt you, you-you get what I'm sayin'?”
Stephanie would continue to show up in the background of Cobra videos, often just off camera or playing video games like Skyrim - Eerily similar to a former roommate, but with the added benefit of having an actual job(at McDonalds). Unfortunately, Josh and Stephanie would work alternate shifts, meaning their time together was limited.
trappped's Gothic King Cobra documentary would release, leading to a spike in popularity. It would be discussed on the Mega64 podcast, and Josh would attract a larger audience to his channel. At around this time, a freeloader from The Couch Chris Saga would reemerge: Matt Ciampi, a member of the prepper doomsday cult that Chris had been part of. Matt would hang out more frequently at Josh's hotel and continue to try to get Josh and Stephanie to join the preppers, introducing him to Damien and Megan the cult leaders. Matt and Stephanie would get together behind Josh's back.
With his apartment inspection coming up, Josh would once again threaten to commit suicide if he didn't pass, saying he didn't give a fuck.
A few months would pass with little consequence. Josh would post less videos, but also drink more. He would also finally purchase his shotgun - a 12-gauge Stoeger - for a surprisingly fitting $420. He would show it off in videos and display concerningly spotty gun safety habits. Some days later after attempting to close the shotgun one-handed, he would cause a hairline crack in the stock close to the trigger. After attempting to fix the crack himself with gorilla glue, he would render the gun inoperable. It would continue to pop up in streams for years to come.
Josh would also begin another project - souping up his bike with a two-stroke bike engine kit from a website with few good reviews. It would ultimately come to ruin despite Josh's significant time and money. However, we did eventually get one of Josh's best videos out of it, where Josh would ride his bike in the apartment hallway.
June 30th, 2014 would mark one of the lowest moments in Boglim History: Just before he left for work, Stephanie would tell Josh that she had cheated on him with Damien, the doomsday cult leader. Josh would lash out at everyone from coworkers to friends as a result of this harrowing moment, detailing in a Noon Video that Damien had had anal sex with her. While Josh would admit he's guilty of cheating in the relationship as well, he was understandably distraught. He would also mention that Stephanie had considered opening up the relationship a bit - a death knell for any healthy relationship. Josh would tell Damien's wife Megan, and Stephanie would say it “could happen again in the future”. Heartbroken, Josh would fall into a deep depression, drink, make videos, and generally mope.
Allegedly, Josh would return home furious and started a spat, threatening violence against Stephanie and Damien, and Stephanie would leave, moving in with Damien, Megan, and Matt. She would become the sole provider for these people and keep her peace on the matter until 2017 during the Summer Saga.
Josh and Stephanie would officially announce their break up on the 4th of July.
On the fourth of July, Josh would once again lament his breakup and single status. Digging himself an even deeper grave, Josh would admit he “half-threatened” to rape Stephanie. He would further threaten to destroy her Job Corps certificate.
Josh would show up on podcasts with Tommync2010, start work on cemetary gates, his sixth album, and start moving on from the loss of Stephanie. At the end of July he would end strong with a video talking about legalizing weed and also disclose a time where a drunk girl called him a creep at his favorite watering hole, the Sand Bar. This era would also bring the advent of the Floral Throne, precursor to the dead dog chair.
Josh's next step in his love quest would be online dating. On the 16th of September, Josh would upload a video talking about signing up for free dating apps. He would claim to have numerous women flirt with him on these pages, although it's likely these were catfish or fake profiles designed to drain wallets.
The 6th of October, 2014, Josh's mom would call to inform Josh that they were going to be putting their dog Chance down. Josh was incredibly distraught over the loss of Chance, and would drown his sorrows in whiskey. Josh would keep Chance's collar and wear it.
In the run-up to Halloween, Josh would spend 80 dollars on a green-and-black cloak. Given that Josh's hours had been cut back at Wendy's due to his inability to show up to work on time, this would come across as an extremely questionable move on his part. During this phase, Josh would take to Facebook to lament that he was going to be single forever, spawning the popular Cobra meme “having a girlfriend is a want, not a need”.
On Halloween, Josh would make a video that in a rare show of self-reflection, never was uploaded. Josh was extremely self-conscious about his hair loss, and would attempt to grow his hair back by rubbing onions over his scalp, which he claimed would assist with bringing his follicles back. This would also be a time of great stress for Josh, as he was now not making enough at Wendy's to cover his rent.
Using an ancient evil by the name of Google Hangouts, Josh would do his very first livestream hangout, talking about guns, weed, and Albert Einstein's theory of energy. This would be another landmark achievement for Josh, although the stream itself was underwhelming due to the lack of fan input.
Little of interest would happen in the last months of 2014, although Josh would get drunk during the holidays and drunk-text Stephanie, saying he would refuse to be in an open relationship with her, not even knowing what it was. This closure serves as the ending for The Stephanie Saga, and soon enough Josh would fuck up a setting on his video camera, starting The Low Volume Saga.
The Stephanie Saga marks the highest point in Boglim History: Josh was employed, happily dating, and making a shitload of videos and albums. Much of this age would come to haunt Josh in later years, as Josh has since deleted every video to do with Stephanie.
The Basement Age | • The Gothickingcobra52 Saga • The Job Corps Saga |
The South Center Age | • The Couch Chris Saga • The Stephanie Saga • The Low Volume Saga • The Bailey and Izzy Saga • The Post-Wendy's Saga • The Rebirth Saga • The Summer Saga • The Wandmaker Saga • The Rage Saga • The Ellen Saga • The Eviction Saga |
The Conquistador Age | • The New Apartment saga • The Green Saga • The Puff Saga • The Second Eviction Saga |
Current Age: The Trailer Age | The Trailer Saga • Current saga: The Wasted Saga |