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The Rage Saga
The Rage Saga is the interim period in Boglim History between The Wandmaker Saga and The Ellen Saga, and takes the name from Josh's unbridled rage made manifest against numerous individuals in his life, from family members to people on the other side of the world. This saga would span from mid-2018 to early 2019, when Josh would begin to make a more pronounced effort to woo Ellen.
Major Characters
- KingCobraJFS: With his youth fading fast, Josh sets forth with his wandmaking business and incessant thirsting over women he doesn't know. While alcoholism and baldness had not sank their hooks entirely into Josh, the Boglim metamorphosis was beginning.
- Gothic Dee: Dee would have a short-lived appearance in this saga, dealing the worst possible insult to Josh in the process by calling him a fake goth.
- Homeboy Scotty: Showing up in a particularly infamous stream, Scotty's appearance in the Cobraverse has become exceptionally diminished at this stage.
Minor Characters
- Warlord: Warlord would make sporadic appearances during this saga, not always necessarily in person either.
- Ellen: Mentioned in name only, Ellen would be brought up on occasion during various stories, with Josh constantly reiterating how hot she was, and how much of a shame it was that she was already taken.
- Bitesize Cobra Vids: Bitesize would gain popularity and mainstream appeal when Josh picked a one-sided war with the British reuploader.
Set Up
Josh was in an unusually good spot at this stage in his YouTube career: Not only was he holding down a part-time job and an entrepreneurial business, but he was making a fairly significant(By today's standards) stream of content.
The Gothic Dee Feud
for more information on this Incident, check out the full page here.
The Gothic Dee Feud would espouse when Gothic Dee would be baited into giving Josh a shoutout on one of her livestreams. Being a Goth girl with Asperger's Syndrome as well, it was only natural that the two would immediately go at each others' throats over misunderstandings. Goaded into drama by the Troles, Josh and Dee would have a bitter back-and-forth where Gothic Dee would call Josh the absolute worst thing she possibly could: Not a real goth. This insult would not only rock Josh to his core, but would also sic the Cobraverse on poor Gothic Dee.
Subway gets pulled into Cobraverse drama
In July, Josh would have a Facebook stream featuring a rarity in this saga: An appearance from the late Homeboy Scotty. During this stream, Homeboy Scotty would be badgered in Facebook stream chat and through DMs by his ex-girlfriend Tina, who had since become a junkie. During this stream, Josh would attempt to cull Scotty's and Tina's domestic dispute while reviewing a Subway sandwich, apologizing to Subway for the drama in this simple, wholesome review. The stream would peak when Tina showed up to Josh's apartment and climbed through his window with one of Scotty's two daughters. Josh being the godfather of Scotty's children would attempt to keep things pleasant and relaxed to no avail.
Josh would issue a formal apology to Subway for the actions in his stream while pretending to not get involved in the relationship drama, singing “Single life!” while the couple bickered.
Later that month in a moment of deja vu, Homeboy Scotty would invite Josh to hang with two smoking hot chicks. Unsurprisingly, this was a dud double date as well, and Josh would make an extremely controversial rant about drama between Homeboy Scotty and his sister Carolyn not long after. Always ready to stand up for his duplicitous Homeboy, Josh would infer that Carolyn was into him, and that he was glad Carolyn's twins died in the womb. Literally frothing at the mouth over making a woman cry and saying he only puts up with Scotty's extended family out of respect for his friend, Josh would receive much ire for his statements.
Employment is a want, not a need
The rest of the summer would pass with little consequence, outside of Josh releasing Hell's advocate and protesting the (allegedly) unlawful arrest of Jeremy Rogers, who threw a soda bottle (allegedly) full of urine at a police officer. In the fall however, Josh would start new avenues of entertainment, including fooling around with a taser, which he would light a cigarette with, as well as shocking himself.
Despite making more wands, Josh would be spending inordinate amounts of money, sometimes even going into the negative despite having his dishwashing job and his wandmaker side hustle. Most of it seemed to be as a result of buying multiple pizzas with every topping imaginable(A trend that would continue well into the future). Despite this, Josh seldom tipped his delivery drivers, instead opting to make a single shout-out video to every delivery driver who brought him food. Moreover, Josh would begin to reduce speed on his wand batches, making 20 at a time before eventually slowing down to 10.
Although he was getting more hours and getting shaped into a proper member of society - or as close as one can get as a dishwasher - by his managers, Josh would announce that September that he had put in his two week's notice in at The Office Bar and Grill, citing that Cobra Craft Wands was a better financial avenue for him to explore. This would come as a bit of a shock, as Josh's year-and-a-half tenure had been surprisingly stable, especially given the higher volume of trolling in recent years. It is believed the catalyst for this was when the head chef at The Office was replaced: According to Josh, the head chef complained about Josh's lack of business attire, as Josh had shown up to work in a dark grey workout shirt instead of the dress code of all black. Josh would defend his shirt, claiming it was “Professional” enough. How a goth badboy does not own a single plain black shirt, we don't know. Additionally in later years, Josh would allege that he had been bullied into quitting his job at this time.
The Feud Ends
Running parallel to this saga in between streams of Josh choking himself out over not getting mustard packs in his fast food order, the Gothic Dee Feud would continue when Josh was convinced by a troll that Gothic Dee was making her own wands. Josh would put a curse on Gothic Dee's alleged wand business, so mote it be in the witches circle. However, this curse would misfire, and Gothic Dee's channel would instead take the brunt of this magical assault: Having dealt with too much bullying, Dee would vanish from the internet in short order, her presence in the Cobraverse a tragedy of trolling and misunderstandings.
A troll would buy the website domain for Cobra Craft Wands, redirecting the link to a gay porn video, allegedly of Alex "Warlord" Campbell. This would be leveraged against Josh, as Josh would be subjected to numerous Warlord cock photos and videos over the years.
A new obsession
Josh would have a slight hiatus from making wands, instead choosing to focus on getting a girlfriend - While originally, this would be a waitress at The Office Bar and Grill that he would obsess over named Dani. It would be a significant amount of time before Josh realized that she had been engaged for quite some time, and until then, despite putting in the effort to ask her out, his initial attempt during the fall were foiled by her shift at work being long over.
Although she had no Facebook profile, Josh would find numerous photos of Dani on The Office's Facebook page, and would later slap them onto a white background with hearts around them, so that “when [I] wake up and go to my computer, the first thing I see… is her pretty face, smiling back at me. Mm.” while making distressingly creepy autistic noises.
The Carl incident
During a stream in September, Josh would take a trip down memory lane when a stream chatter spoke of a former developmentally disabled classmate who had lost his mother to cancer. Never one to miss an opportunity for revenge, Josh would spiral into a hate-filled rant about how he wanted to beat the kid's ass during high school, that his father never loved him, and claiming karmic responsibility for the death of Carl's mother. Josh's hatred runneth so far over on this random mentally challenged kid that he legitimately wished that Carl had died in his mothers' stead, using numerous f-slurs in his spiteful tirade. Unsurprisingly, this would draw much criticism from his fans and trolls alike - And while Josh would tell his chat to leave Carl alone, he refused to take back his statements. In fact, a few weeks later he would double down on his previous stance.
Meeting his idol
In October, Josh would attend an Ozzy Osbourne concert on October 2nd in Denver Colorado, unsharpened wand in tow. In fact, ExhumedVisions was going to drive all the way down from Washington State to cart Josh up to the concert(Which fell through when Clint found someone to take him). Sporting his new tactical soap, painting his nails black, using sharpie in lieu of eyeliner, and wearing his Ozzy(actually a Black Sabbath) T-shirt for several days, Josh would arrive halfway through. Josh would claim that during the concert, another concert-goer would recognize him, shouting “Gothic King Cobra! Now it's a party!”, a now-infamous phrase in the Cobraverse. The concert would reaffirm Josh's adoration for Ozzy, as Josh would mail off his magic wand he custom-built for the dark prince. At this point, it is unknown whether or not Ozzy even received it.
In the negative
An oft-recurring theme in the Cobraverse, Josh was running out of money on an very regular basis. And while the simple solution was to stop buying overpriced pizzas and pay his internet bill instead, Josh's hunger often overcame him in financially painful ways. Desperate, Josh would reach out in an attempt to get his Google AdSense pay out faster to no avail.
Getting further in the dumps, Josh would pick a fight with Bitesize Cobra Vids and AnonymousCasperWY(Which he calls “Casper Anonymous”) after discovering their video content surrounding his highly regarded antics. Josh clearly felt that his reuploaded and lean content viciously mocked him, and would go on numerous hate-filled rants about how Bitesize's reuploaded content of deleted videos may scare potential suitors away from him - As if the alcoholic, bug-eyed, gourd-shaped head of a balding twenty-something with Asperger's syndrome wasn't enough to begin with.
Gifts and Gaffes
Josh would receive many interesting gifts, some courtesy of Cobra superfan ExhumedVisions, and others of a more sicko-related nature. Perhaps most infamously is the gift of The Cock Holster - A pair of neon-green briefs with a special sleeve for his Cobra Jr. Josh would put this on and show off his fully erect dingus in said holster during a Facebook stream, and summarily would receive a 30-day ban for his trouble.
Josh would claim “double standards” over this Facebook ban, not understanding that showing off a very obvious and erect phallus on a live stream would generally be regarded in a negative light. This concept of double standards would become a staple in KingCobraJFS' arguments and rants regarding “gender relations” for decades to come.
The Rage Saga is a vastly underrated saga in Boglim History, as much of what makes the early KingCobraJFS content so intriguing is his unbridled rage towards any and all parties who dare cross him, alongside the implementation of many mainstay talking points and central Cobra-related items. While other sagas may have grander highs and more destructive lows, it's sagas like the Rage Saga that go the most towards building the Boglim we see today.
- We would learn that Josh is into goth girls farting after a troll video was sent to him during the Gothic Dee Feud.
- Josh admits in a July stream that he shit himself on one occasion.
- Josh's alcoholism is starting to become more serious, as in a September video Josh is seen mixing a drink combo before noon. Josh justified this by saying he doesn't do it all the time.
- This saga marks Josh's first contact with Tactical Soap in October of 2018. Josh has not stopped shilling the efficacy of this 17-dollar-a-bar soap since.
- In a video reviewing Steel Reserve during September, Josh would mention that he hung out with Ellen, although she would not be mentioned by name. Although Josh would allege Ellen said “I would give you some if I could”, and would get a boner from Ellen giving her a hug.
- This saga is believed to be one of the origins for the extremely infamous nickname of “BOY” as well as “Bud”, as trolls would impersonate Homedad Clint on his Facebook live streams.
- Josh would start making rant videos and thought loops about pedophiles, also known as “sickos”, and how much he hated them.
- Additionally, this would be about the starting point of Josh's “Gender Relations” rants.
- Long-time fan Jesus Morris would do an apartment tour of Josh's bog den in November, displaying the absolute levels of depravity the boglim was already achieving.
The KingCobraJFS Story
The Basement Age | • The Gothickingcobra52 Saga • The Job Corps Saga |
The South Center Age | • The Couch Chris Saga • The Stephanie Saga • The Low Volume Saga • The Bailey and Izzy Saga • The Post-Wendy's Saga • The Rebirth Saga • The Summer Saga • The Wandmaker Saga • The Rage Saga • The Ellen Saga • The Eviction Saga |
The Conquistador Age | • The New Apartment saga • The Green Saga • The Puff Saga • The Second Eviction Saga |
Current Age: The Trailer Age | The Trailer Saga • Current saga: The Wasted Saga |