Table of Contents


“You're not even the real Ozzy, dude!”
This article is a Stub, or otherwise Under Construction. You can help out by contributing to this page.

Citation Needed

“Oh my god, I did spell empowerment incorrectly! GOD DAMN IT!
This article requires a source for content within. You can help by citing sources used on this page. Remember, ARCHIVE EVERYTHING! You never know when Josh might decide a video was acting cute!

Currently Happening

“That's just, you know, the chaos that is life. You're not born knowing what you want in life, man.”
This page refers to events that have still not concluded. Information on this page might not be perfectly up to date with the latest happenings in the Cobraverse. You can help by editing it!

Candidate For Deletion

“You're getting sued tomorrow, man…“
This page has either been made redundant or otherwise has no purpose. You can bargain for or against its trip to getting blocked at the Candidate For Deletion page.


The KingCobraJFS Story

Josh on...

Items of Gothic Magical Power


Incident Highlights

Places of Importance